Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Harry Potter House Quiz 100 Times Better Than Sorting Hat

harry potter house test

In a video with Pottermore, Grint took their sorting quiz and found out that he is a member of the yellow and black. Actor Kit Harington revealed in an interview that he is a member of Gryffindor. He also revealed that he is a huge Harry Potter fan in general. Pretty cool to know that Jon Snow of Game of Thrones would be a Gryffindor. Brought to you by Wizarding World Digital, a partnership between Warner Bros. and Pottermore.


In Slytherin, you will step closer to your goals and be more focused on achieving them. You are frank and straightforward, have a clear understanding of what you like and hate, have kind thoughts, and are kind and friendly. You do your best for the people you care about, even if that hurts you.

What Is My Patronus? Quiz - BuzzFeed

What Is My Patronus? Quiz.

Posted: Fri, 21 Jul 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The Nymphadora Tonks quiz

In psychological lingo, you'd probably score high on "agreeableness," a trait that makes you kind, empathetic, and cooperative. While Gryffindors may rush into battle and Ravenclaws puzzle over problems, you're the one making sure everyone is okay and working well together. Take the Harry Potter House Quiz now to find out if you’re a Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff. The Sorting Hat knows where you’ll thrive and make your mark at Hogwarts. While only it can truly determine your match, the Harry Potter House Quiz gives you a great idea of where you belong.

Harry Potter Boyfriend Quiz: Who Would You Date at Hogwarts?

The common room echoes with discussions on power, strategy, and the pursuit of one's ambitions. Within these walls, Slytherins forge alliances that extend beyond the boundaries of Hogwarts, forming networks that will shape the wizarding world's future. Draco Malfoy, with his aristocratic demeanor and relentless pursuit of excellence, embodies Slytherin's ideals. Beyond the surface, Draco's ambition to uphold the Slytherin name and his resourcefulness during times of crisis place him firmly within the house. Founded by Salazar Slytherin, Slytherin House beckons those whose ambition knows no bounds and whose cunning minds are adept at navigating the intricacies of the magical world.

Although the sorting hat has assigned houses to thousands of students, the process is challenging. When faced with a wizard like you who has such great potential, this decision can get especially tough. If your results show more than one house, you should mainly refer to the house with the largest percentage. However, bear in mind that you may have some traits more suitable to other houses. Houses are not just a collection of students with common characteristics, they also strongly influence your study, life, and personal growth.

harry potter house test harry potter house test

In order for the house to be chosen the best for your personality, you need to get carried away by your imagination. You have to imagine that you are just starting your first year at Hogwarts. In a moment, you will receive an answer to the question – what Harry Potter house are you in? The Hogwarts House Quiz is a one-of-a-kind, unconventional personality test that will perfectly place you in one of the four houses.

This Sorting Quiz Will Tell You Which Hogwarts House You Truly Belong In

These traits can range from openness and conscientiousness to more specific traits like ambition or empathy. Even more so, these traits have many theories as to where they come from and what makes them a priority in some people's actions. Your values align closely with ambition, self-preservation, and resourcefulness. In psychological terms, you might be considered high in "instrumental values," focusing on means over ends. You're less concerned with what people think of you and more concerned with achieving your goals. Morality for you is often a personal code that aligns with your ambitions, and you're highly adaptable depending on what situation you find yourself in.


It's the courage to stand up for what is right even when the odds seem insurmountable that defines Gryffindor house. Are you destined to join the dorms of the courageous Gryffindors, the wise Ravenclaws, the loyal Hufflepuffs, or the cunning Slytherins? The good news is that you get to spend a fictional day at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry today through this highly accurate Harry Potter house quiz. If you have ever asked yourself this question, you have come to the right place.

You're in Slytherin!

Cedric Diggory, a Hufflepuff luminary, exemplifies these qualities. Beyond his external charm, Cedric radiates a loyalty that transcends competition. His sense of fair play and dedication to principles, especially during the Triwizard Tournament, showcases the core values of Hufflepuff.

To find out what house in Harry Potter am I, take the quiz now, and then cast your wand over our other Harry Potter quizzes. You may be brave, courageous, honest or you may be sneaky, disruptive, clever, ambitious or wise. Share this quiz with your friends and compare results. Our quizzes are rigorously reviewed, monitored and continuously updated by our expert board to maintain accuracy, relevance, and timeliness. Well, each house can be loosely tied to some of these dimensions. For example, a Gryffindor might score high on Extraversion and low on Neuroticism, while a Ravenclaw might score high on Openness.

Your moral compass often guides you toward truth and wisdom; you believe in the power of information and logical reasoning to solve problems and make the world a better place. If you're sorted into Gryffindor, you're joining the ranks of the brave and the bold. In psychological terms, you likely score high on the trait of "extraversion." That means you're sociable, outgoing, and energetic. You don't mind being the center of attention and you're often seen taking the lead in group settings. The quiz will determine which house statistically matches your personality the closest. Although you might match with more than one house, the final house will suit you the most.

The Sorting Hat, when selecting a Hufflepuff, discerns the intrinsic goodness and genuine nature that will contribute to the house's harmonious atmosphere. In the labyrinth of Hogwarts, the Hufflepuff common room is a haven for those whose hearts beat in sync with the values of loyalty, patience, and unwavering determination. Helga Hufflepuff envisioned a house where merit was not confined to brash courage or quick wit but extended to those who toiled with steadfast determination. During the sorting process, the Sorting Hat might reflect on the student's curiosity, academic pursuits, and moments where they exhibited a keen intellect.

Harry Potter House Quiz Which Hogwarts House Do You Belong In? Stats & Insights updated in 2024

harry potter house test

Pottermore, now known as Wizarding World, offers a deep dive into the magical world of Harry Potter, making it an invaluable resource for Potterheads worldwide. Have you ever wondered where you truly belong within the dorms of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? Our meticulously crafted Harry Potter House Test is here to help you unveil your inner wizard.

Maybe you're a Hufflepuff...

Ravenclaw's selection is a journey into the realms of intellect, curiosity, and a thirst for knowledge. The Sorting Hat, when sorting into Ravenclaw, probes the recesses of a student's mind for the spark of wisdom and the insatiable desire to unravel the mysteries of the world. It seeks individuals who not only value knowledge but are driven to expand the boundaries of magical understanding.

Why Take the Hogwarts House Test?

He appreciated the stories and the magical world they created. He had an excellent knowledge of the series, and his friends often relied on him for trivia about the HP magical world. Our Harry Potter House Quiz was designed by a team of expert enthusiasts who are die-hard Harry Potter fans. We’ve incorporated numerous innovative ideas into the quiz design.

Questions of the quiz

There is a great legend that Salazar Slytherin and Godric Gryffindor got into a big duel prior to him leaving the school. According to Pottermore, Salazar was very skilled at Legilimency (reading minds) and was also the first recorded parselmouth (can talk to snakes). Salazar Slytherin was said to have valued those who were cunning, had great ambition, and were pure of blood. Emma Watson (aka Hermione) has never taken a test but many fans believe that she would be in Ravenclaw. This is based on her attending and getting a degree from Brown University.


In Hufflepuff, you will have more opportunities to learn and become the person you want to be. The biggest difference between the four houses is that the founders have different enrollment criteria. Only the founder of Slytherin disagreed with the other three on whether to recruit Muggle-born students.

Get ready for Hogwarts House Pride Month 2024 - Wizarding World

Get ready for Hogwarts House Pride Month 2024.

Posted: Wed, 28 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

In the shadows of ambition and cunning, Slytherin house finds its denizens. The Sorting Hat, when contemplating Slytherin, searches for the flicker of ambition and the strategic mind that defines the house. It seeks individuals who harbor dreams of greatness, who possess the cunning to navigate the complex web of wizarding society and emerge victorious.

Harry Potter House Quiz. 100 Times Better Than Sorting Hat

You'd probably score low on "psychopathy," a personality trait linked to self-centeredness and manipulation. This isn't you; you consider the implications of your actions not just for yourself, but for everyone involved. Whether it's a group project or a community event, you're the backbone that keeps things running smoothly.

The house’s gentle attitude and silent dedication do not mean that the students it recruits lack talent. In fact, Hufflepuff has bred many great wizards, and it is also the house that produces the fewest dark wizards. He is a real fan and enjoys creating quizzes about the wizarding world. Curtis had read the HP books 22 times each and watched the movie series 10 times. Whenever he felt the need for comfort, he reread the books as if they were his own magical escape.Even though he was an adult, he never felt too old for Harry Potter.

harry potter house test

After I learned more about the web development space, I decided to create a site that is dedicated to one of my passions. Rowena Ravenclaw was said to value intelligence and wisdom when choosing students for her house. Godric Gryffindor was said to value courage, determination, and also strength in students that represented his house.

Your Season + Hogwarts House Combo Quiz - BuzzFeed

Your Season + Hogwarts House Combo Quiz.

Posted: Fri, 16 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

• However, famous Hufflepuffs include Newt Scamander and Helga Hufflepuff – one of the greatest witches of her age! You’re heading to Hogwarts for your first year—how exciting! Your palms are sweaty, your legs are shaking, and your heart pounds in your ears with each step toward the famous relic.

harry potter house test

Gryffindor, founded by Godric Gryffindor, stands as a beacon for those with hearts pulsating with courage and a thirst for noble adventures. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry sorts its students into four distinct houses, each founded by a remarkable wizard or witch. Once the Sorting Hat's decision is made, you'll have the opportunity to fully embrace your newfound house identity. As you embark on this journey to discover your wizarding identity, know that this Harry Potter house test is a tribute to the magic that J.K.

Your strategic mindset could make you a great leader. By aligning your house traits with your real-world actions, you can make more informed decisions and develop a better understanding of yourself. Ravenclaws are the intellectuals, valuing wisdom and wit.

In addition to great wizards, most of the dark wizards also came from this house. When the Sorting Hat is placed upon a student's head, it delves into the recesses of their mind, seeking the fiery ember of courage and the unyielding spirit of bravery. Gryffindors are not just those who seek excitement or adventure; they are individuals with a moral compass that points them toward acts of heroism and justice.

Kit yourself out like a Beater or else try on the entrepreneurial Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes owner look - share some birthday love for Fred and George
in Portrait Maker now. This April, you’ll be able to play our official Sorting Ceremony in three new languages. • The Gryffindor house colours are red and gold and are connected to fire. To find out more about what each house will look like for you, read on. The present test was crafted with the use of genuine psychometric items, as supported by peer-reviewed research and published in scientific journals. This version of the Sorting Hat test will determine which Hogwarts House you belong to, using real psychometric items.

The most important factor is how you analyze problems, and you are the type of wizard who has powerful methods to overcome obstacles. As a person of knowledge, you will grow more in Ravenclaw. No matter what house you get, remember the Sorting Hat is never wrong.

You're not one to leave things to chance; every move is calculated to bring you closer to your goals. Last but not least, let's delve into your decision-making style. Gryffindors are often intuitive and act on gut feelings. After all, as a Gryffindor, you live for the moments that let you shine. You will never do what others want you to do just to fit in. IQ is not the only criterion for judging whether a person is smart.

Mastering Common and Advanced Ruby Design Patterns: A Comprehensive Guide with Code Examples DEV Community

ruby design

Her mother Agatha forbids her from going to prom because of its location being on a ship in the ocean. At Oceanside High School, Ruby initially refuses, but her rebellious friends Margot, Trevin, and Bliss convince her to ask out her crush Connor. Before she can ask, she accidentally knocks Connor into the water. Ruby jumps in and saves him, but Connor believes he was saved by the new girl Chelsea Van Der Zee who tries to befriend Ruby.

‘Simpsons’ kills off longtime character: ‘Rest in …

Until each Handler has had an opportunity to respond to the request, it continues to move up the chain. Design Patterns are popular solutions to challenges in software design. They are like pre-made layouts that you can change in code to tackle a reoccurring design challenge. You cannot discover a pattern and replicate it in your application like you can with functions or libraries. A design pattern in Ruby is a general notion for tackling a specific problem rather than a specific piece of code. You can follow the pattern specifics and implement a solution appropriate to your program’s circumstances.

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This pattern is useful when you want to control access to a shared resource, such as a database connection or a configuration manager. Using the composite structural design pattern, things can be combined into a tree-like structure and used as if they were a single entity. For all objects that support cloning, the pattern declares a common interface. This interface can copy an object without linking your program to the object’s class. The open-closed principle states that a class/object should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Open/closed principle is intended to mitigate risk when introducing new functionality.

Why Should I Learn Ruby Design Patterns?

If you understand the pattern name, you don’t need to explain it. Now that you understand what Ruby design patterns are let’s look at the categories of design patterns in ruby. The Strategy pattern is a behavioral design pattern that defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable. It allows you to select an algorithm at runtime without changing the client code. This pattern is useful when you want to switch between different algorithms or behaviors dynamically. A structural design pattern called Composite, called Object Tree enables you to assemble items into tree structures and then treat those hierarchies as when they were individual objects.

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Posted: Fri, 04 Nov 2022 07:00:00 GMT [source]

The film received mixed reviews from critics, who praised the voice acting and characters but criticized the screenplay. It was a box-office failure, grossing $46 million against a $70 million budget. “Honestly, I don’t think I would have done ceramics if I’d started five or six years ago.

The interface segregation principle

Ruby succeeds in retrieving it but is betrayed by Chelsea, who reveals that she is Nerissa and uses Ruby to help her reclaim the trident to exact her revenge on the Krakens. Nerissa sheds her disguise and traps Ruby before going to destroy Oceanside. Agatha and Grandmamah try to fight her off while Brill finds a demoralized and wounded Ruby. After he encourages her, she goes to the surface to stop Nerissa. Nerissa overpowers Grandmamah and Agatha but is confronted by Ruby, who engages her in a duel over the trident, revealing her secret to her friends and Connor. Ruby tries to return to her normal life, but footage of her in her Kraken form becomes viral.

Produced by DreamWorks Animation and distributed by Universal Pictures, the film stars the voices of Lana Condor, Toni Collette, Annie Murphy, Colman Domingo, and Jane Fonda. The film follows a shy kraken girl named Ruby Gillman (Condor) who is desperate to fit in at Oceanside High. The complex sits on four acres, with roughly 122,000 square feet of indoor space. Ruby purchased the property six years ago and spent three years on renovations, which included the replacement of 116 skylights. There are massive studios dedicated to work in various media, along with viewing rooms and storage and support facilities (e.g., woodworking and welding).

Since both target objects and decorators have the same interface, you can wrap things multiple times using decorators. The final product will exhibit all of wapper’s stacking behavior. It is rather common in ruby code, particularly in work that deals with streams. Strategy is a behavioral design pattern that lets you define a family of algorithms, put each into a separate class, and make their objects interchangeable.

With Calvin Klein’s New Sterling Ruby-Designed Store, Raf Simons Is Rethinking Fashion—and Art - artnet News

With Calvin Klein’s New Sterling Ruby-Designed Store, Raf Simons Is Rethinking Fashion—and Art.

Posted: Mon, 14 Aug 2017 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Because of this, different products can be produced using the same construction method. Proxy is a structural design pattern that lets you provide a substitute or placeholder for another object. A proxy controls access to the original object, allowing you to perform something before or after the request gets through to the original object. This structural design pattern provides an object that is a substitute for a real service object used by a client.

Our experienced service crew works diligently to put all of the planned details in to motion. They handle changes on the fly and create beautiful events like you have imagined while you’re enjoying the day of the event. Whether you don’t have the time or would just prefer to let the experts do it, Ruby Design offers Setup & Takedown services in a variety of plans tailored to your needs. The alternate term for the decorator pattern, Wrapper, perfectly captures the pattern’s central concept. It delegates to it all requests it receives and has the same set of methods as the target. While doing something either before or after passing the request to the destination, the Wrapper can change the outcome.

The pattern allows you to produce different types and representations of an object using the same construction code. Lets you produce families of related objects without specifying their concrete classes. Ruby is a dynamic and flexible programming language known for its elegant syntax and powerful features. One of the strengths of Ruby is its ability to employ various programming patterns to solve problems effectively and elegantly. In this article, we will explore some of the most common and advanced patterns in Ruby, providing extensive code examples to illustrate how to use them. In the seaside town of Oceanside, 16-year-old Ruby Gillman lives with her family, trying to fit in with humans despite being krakens.

You should know that we are not discussing interfaces or abstract classes from your programming language. The interface segregation principle states that clients should not be forced to depend on methods they do not use. The goal of this principle is to reduce the side effects of using larger interfaces by breaking application interfaces into smaller ones. The Liskov substitution principle states that any place in the code where you can use an object of type T, you can also use an object of a subtype of T. In terms of Ruby, this means that any place in your code where you are using an instance of a class, you can also use an instance of a subclass without anything breaking. The basic idea of the single-responsibility principle is that a class should basically serve one purpose.

Design patterns are valuable tools in any programmer's toolbox, and mastering them can elevate your skills as a Ruby developer. In this example, the AnimalFactory class abstracts the creation of Dog and Cat objects, making it easy to add new animal types in the future. In this example, the Singleton class ensures that only one instance is created, and any subsequent calls to instance return the same instance. The film was dedicated to Nick Levenduski, a crowds artist of the film who died before the film was released. Angered that Agatha withheld the truth from her, Ruby sneaks out to meet her grandmother, the Warrior Queen of the Seven Seas, with a reluctant Brill's help.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Our Night Shelter is Provided to Women and Children

abby's house

“They both work tirelessly to do so much good for others, it brings me joy to know that we were able to create a place for them to relax, take a breath, and snuggle up with a good book… and each other,” Lester says. Caring.com is a leading online destination for caregivers seeking information and support as they care for aging parents, spouses, and other loved ones. We offer thousands of original articles, helpful tools, advice from more than 50 leading experts, a community of caregivers, and a comprehensive directory of caregiving services.

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It’s not an abbey and it’s nowhere near Encino, but Highland Park’s Abbey San Encino has a storied history in both the local artists movement and in the Los Angeles music scene. By clicking Get Costs you agree to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You also consent to receive texts and calls, which may be autodialed, from us and our partner providers; however, your consent is not a condition to using our service. Western Oregon University’s Land AcknowledgementWestern Oregon University in Monmouth, OR is located within the traditional homelands of the Luckiamute Band of Kalapuya. Following the Willamette Valley Treaty of 1855 (Kalapuya etc. Treaty), Kalapuya people were forcibly removed to reservations in Western Oregon. Today, living descendants of these people are a part of the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde Community of Oregon and the Confederated Tribes of the Siletz Indians.

Lisa Rinna Wraps Up With the Bow Trend in Runway Look With Her Daughters at Fashion Los Angeles Awards Red Carpet

She enjoys working one-on-one with students and is passionate about creating an environment that is equitable and welcoming to all. In her free time, Blanca enjoys baking, hiking and spending time with her family/friends. We are eternally grateful for Alaina’s continued engagement in our very special Abby’s House community.

Abby's House in Worcester preparing for significant renovations to shelter

Page said there's a need for more affordable housing in Worcester, and there’s a growing demand for shelters. She said it’s these circumstances which make their renovations and everyday work so important. We come from all walks of life, but what we all share is a commitment to the women and children in our community. Guests in the shelter are required to meet with an Advocate at least once per week to develop an Empowerment Plan and receive case management services. Thanks to you, we have kept the doors open for women and children in need in our community, ensuring they have a place to call home and the support they need to regroup and get back on their feet. We appreciate the efforts of everyone who’s involved in helping us fulfill our mission.

abby's house

Unfortunately, services and shelter are overwhelmed by the volume of those in need. Each woman staying in our shelter or living in our housing is assigned her own Advocate, who helps her identify realistic goals and assists her in identifying the tools she needs to achieve them. Our Advocates empower women to access the resources they need to succeed. For information about our Women’s Center and how to obtain a Thrift Shop voucher, visit our advocacy page. At Abby’s, having a personal Advocate makes a world of difference to the women we serve. He now reads 16 to 18 hours a day on weekends, plus 10 hours each day during the week.

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The “Saturday Night Live” star was chosen to host this year’s White House Correspondents’ Dinner. The entire Abby’s House community applauds Alaina Olson for her continuous support of women and children facing homelessness, and we express our heartfelt gratitude for her dedication to upholding the Abby’s House mission. On any given Monday, you can usually find Alaina Olson working in tune with other volunteers down in the Abby’s House Thrift Store, sorting through donations and helping to make the Abby’s shopping experience a good one for our community of shoppers. However, it is just one of the ways Alaina’s passion and drive to support and empower women takes shape and stands out.

At Abby’s House, we lead the way in helping women and children find a place to call home. Abby’s house is a safe and welcoming place that values people of diverse backgrounds and experiences. We provide a home to residents and guests, not just a place to live. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local.


Though no longer on the Board, Alaina continues to serve on both Board Finance and Investment Committees. Abby’s House is a multi-cultural, multi-racial community of people working collectively to achieve our mission. Our community is comprised of residents, guests, staff, volunteers, board members, donors, and partners. The contribution of each person is valued and respected and makes Abby’s House a special place that nurtures self-determination, independence and strength. A selection of small circular crystals trailed the edges of her dress’ outer seams, adding shine to Johansson’s monochromatic color palette. Johansson styled her look with a matching ivory neck scarf and shoes hidden beneath the gown’s wrap-style skirt.

Bilingual Confidential Advocate

abby's house

Sophia Bush walked the red carpet in a strapless black dress adorned along the center front with large gold appliques from Harbison Studio. Lester had been working on the project from the very start with the previous owner, and the home was almost completely built when Doyle and Wambach, who are also both popular podcast hosts, purchased it. The home, which is described as “a modern take on a Cape Cod vibe,” was transformed with interesting millwork and paint color selections, plus contemporary and unexpected lighting. Questlove walked the red carpet in an army green blazer adorned with a whimsical splatter-print design and thin black lapels. Coco Rocha walked the red carpet in a sculptural gown constructed from an airy blush pink tulle from Christian Siriano’s spring 2024 ready-to-wear collection. Abigail works Abby’s House to see what interpersonal violence prevention looks like in the work setting.

The Narrow Gate has been practicing socially conscious architecture since 1987. The project is expected to take between nine months and a year to complete. We believe that women can name and change the injustice that exists in the lives of women. Abby’s House helps women to recognize their own inner strengths, opportunities and abilities to lead self-directed lives. We believe that each person is unique and deserves to be treated with dignity and compassion.

In fact, the cover of Browne’s second album, For Everyman, features the singer sitting in the courtyard of the Abbey. He was also influenced, as is evident by looking at it, some of the California Missions. The interior of the Abbey features a number of dungeons, a cellar, a refectory, and a chapel. Browne (who worked as a piano player before he started his printing company) often played the chapel’s organ — an instrument that had been shipped from Germany and hand-assembled and installed by Browne — at these celebrations. Browne worked with the local stained glass masters at Judson Studios to build and install a circular stained glass window in the front of the building facing Arroyo Glen Street. The window, which details a Franciscan monk reading a manuscript while a Native American man works the printing press, was intended by Browne to represent California’s first printing press.

Work to begin on Abby's House shelter renovation - Worcester Business Journal

Work to begin on Abby's House shelter renovation.

Posted: Fri, 20 Oct 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

If you purchase a product or register for an account through a link on our site, we may receive compensation. The White House Correspondents’ Dinner is an annual event hosted by the White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA), which uses the event as its main source of revenue to finance its work. Journalists, politicians, government officials and celebrities, including President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden, were invited to the event. If you purchase an independently reviewed product or service through a link on our website, WWD may receive an affiliate commission. Ahead, WWD has listed some of the most memorable celebrity arrivals from this year’s White House Correspondents Dinner red carpet. A number of stars, journalists and influential figures attend the White House Correspondents Dinner 2024 at The Washington Hilton on Saturday in Washington, D.C., while sporting designer looks for the occasion.

Abbey San Encino

abby's house

Alaina believes that all women in need should have a place to be safe, with time to heal and grow – a place like Abby’s House. “To know that even when you feel so very hopeless, there is a safe place for you to turn, a place like Abby’s House, where, with time, you can become the person you need to be in this world”. Abby’s sustainability — its ability to deliver its programs and services to women over the long term was apparent. Alaina and a small team of Board members formed a Board Investment Committee, and, with help, drew up Policy documents and established a Board designated Endowment Fund, now in its 2nd year.

WWD LA Beauty Forum

Since 1976, Abby’s House has provided shelter, affordable housing, advocacy, and support services to women and children who are low-income, survivors of domestic violence, or otherwise vulnerable to homelessness. The primary location on High Street in Worcester houses all of the organization’s office and support spaces, as well as 56 single-room occupancy (SRO) permanent supportive housing units. A chance conversation with a Thrift Shop volunteer — who happily shared information about Abby’s House and its mission — stirred Alaina’s curiosity to learn more. With her passion for supporting women and women’s issues, Abby’s mission to provide shelter, housing and advocacy services for homeless, battered and low-income women spoke to her own values and interests and sparked her passion.

Abby's House breaks ground on shelter renovation project

Fran Drescher walked the red carpet in an embossed two-piece suit set in a bright ivory colorway. Before they became a student at WOU, Rosabelle has had a passion for organizations that involved workshops, events, and programs surrounding educational topics, youth development, and more. Rosabelle has always admired the way the Abby’s House organization works and its purpose for the students here at Western Oregon University. It was as a Board member that Alaina was profoundly affected by the ways Abby’s services helped so many women heal and rebuild and transform their lives under the safety of Abby’s roofs.

Office Support Staff

Recently, Johansson was photographed attending Prada’s spring 2024 presentation while donning a new take on the little black dress. Styled with a Prada belt and the brand’s Galleria handbag, her minidress featured a crisscross bodice, halter neckline and A-line skirt. Scarlett Johansson arrived in a cream-colored gown complete with a rhinestone trim and strapless neckline.

abby's house

Abby's House, volunteers spend 'A Night in the Cold' - Spectrum News 1

Abby's House, volunteers spend 'A Night in the Cold'.

Posted: Sat, 25 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

The Narrow Gate has been practicing socially conscious architecture since 1987. The project is expected to take between nine months and a year to complete. We believe that women can name and change the injustice that exists in the lives of women. Abby’s House helps women to recognize their own inner strengths, opportunities and abilities to lead self-directed lives. We believe that each person is unique and deserves to be treated with dignity and compassion.

abby's house

We develop caring, supportive, non-judgmental, and enduring relationships. We listen to and give each other support, and we act on our belief that each one of us is capable and strong.

Lisa Rinna Wraps Up With the Bow Trend in Runway Look With Her Daughters at Fashion Los Angeles Awards Red Carpet

Earlier on Saturday, Phillip attended the White House Correspondents’ Garden Brunch, where she was seen in a white and red dress from Amsale. In 2022, she wore a fiery red off-the-shoulder dress to the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. Abby Phillip brightened the White House Correspondents’ Dinner 2024 red carpet on Saturday. The CNN anchor wore a gold dress from Sergio Hudson at the event, which was held at the Washington Hilton Hotel in Washington, D.C.

Abby's House preparing for renovations to shelter - Spectrum News 1

Abby's House preparing for renovations to shelter.

Posted: Tue, 07 Mar 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Browne finished working on the building in 1921, but he didn’t move his family there until 1924. Today, the Abbey San Encino remains a private home — still owned by the Browne family as near as we can tell — and it’s often locked behind a chain link fence. But if you’re a fan of the interesting architecture found in Los Angeles, it’s worth taking a walk by. Clyde was a true printer at heart — he laid out the plans for the ambitious construction of the Abbey San Encino in picas (a measurement used in type) — and opened a print shop in the Abbey as he was building it. He really wanted to start a Roycroft-like community in Garvanza, building off the artistic movement already on the rise in the small community.

In 1915 Clyde Browne — of Browne & Cartwright, the company that printed USC’s Daily Trojan and Occidental College’s weekly paper — started building his home along the Arroyo Seco, just off what was then Pasadena Avenue (now Figueroa Street). Malissa has been involved in nonprofit work for a number of years, specifically in domestic violence and suicide awareness. She thought working in Abby’s House would be a great fit so she can learn more about college-age survivors and also what advocacy on campus looks like. How volunteers make their way to Abby’s House are as varied as the volunteers themselves. For Alaina, it was in early 2010, on a friend’s recommendation, that she searched out Abby’s Thrift Store at 52 High Street to simply make a clothing donation.

A multi-million dollar project will allow the nonprofit to not just make repairs, but also grow from nine beds to 18. The increase in rooms will allow women to have their own, private space. Join our mailing list for the latest community news and what Worcester Common Ground is doing to improve our neighborhood and the lives of our residents. Over the years, we have helped more than 13,000 women and their children reclaim and rebuild their lives, empowering them to lead self-directed lives filled with dignity and hope. Earlier this year, Abby’s House announced a multi-million-dollar renovation of the property which would increase the number of beds from nine to 18.

When I asked if he’s depressed, he said no, he’s just tired and wants to relax. Phillip’s chiffon dress featured a floor-sweeping hem and a pleated maxi skirt with a metallic pattern. The dress was from Hudson’s ready-to-wear fall 2023 collection, which was inspired by style setters of the 1970s.

Hailee chose to work with Abby’s House because it gave her the opportunity to help people directly and provide a safe place for people. Abby's House said the hope is to have construction start right around July 1, and the project is expected to take somewhere between nine months and a year to complete. As they grow to help more women find that solution, Abby's House needs some help of their own. Three months before construction is supposed to begin, they’re still in need of a temporary shelter, and are asking the community for help. The building on Crown Street hasn’t had any significant upgrades since Abby's House took it over in 1976.

Alaina’s decision to volunteer and support Abby’s House was ignited. Keri Russell walked the red carpet in a strapless black dress and matching black neck scarf from Markarian’s fall 2024 ready-to-wear collection. To provide shelter and affordable housing, as well as advocacy and support services, to homeless, battered, and low-income women, with or without children.

Sophia Bush walked the red carpet in a strapless black dress adorned along the center front with large gold appliques from Harbison Studio. Lester had been working on the project from the very start with the previous owner, and the home was almost completely built when Doyle and Wambach, who are also both popular podcast hosts, purchased it. The home, which is described as “a modern take on a Cape Cod vibe,” was transformed with interesting millwork and paint color selections, plus contemporary and unexpected lighting. Questlove walked the red carpet in an army green blazer adorned with a whimsical splatter-print design and thin black lapels. Coco Rocha walked the red carpet in a sculptural gown constructed from an airy blush pink tulle from Christian Siriano’s spring 2024 ready-to-wear collection. Abigail works Abby’s House to see what interpersonal violence prevention looks like in the work setting.

Sunday, April 28, 2024

70 Man Cave Ideas Stylish Decor & Furniture Displate Blog

man cave design ideas

Large open concept man cave in walk-out basement with round card/dining table, billiards table, huge leather sectional and large custom bar. I love the worn-looking wood flooring which matches the wood of the billiards table and goes well with the leather sectional. Comfortable man cave with sectional sofa, armchair and loveseat surrounding a fireplace with TV mounted above.

Sports Memorabilia Display

The best thing about it is that you have complete control over the aesthetics. So however crazy or unique you want the design to be, you can have it all. Man caves rose to popularity in the 1970s as a response to the feminine movement of the era and the growing negative sentiment toward long-held establishments like gentlemen’s clubs.

Annual man cave tour to show 5 families' decorating ideas - Grand Island Independent

Annual man cave tour to show 5 families' decorating ideas.

Posted: Tue, 20 May 2014 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Glowing Table

I love that taller than average coffee table that could double as a huge ottoman. There’s a card table, several old school arcade games and billiards table. Vegas style man cave with elegant card table illuminated by a chandelier. The adjacent space features the tiniest home library ever – a nook with built-in cushioned seating flanked by small book shelves. This man cave is an example that has wallpaper instead of the usual paint or wood paneling. The quintessential man cave design with small bar, large wall-mounted flat screen TV, bar stools, neon bar sign and lounge area all darkly lit.

'Man cave furniture': St. George artist creates home decor and furniture from vintage cars - St. George News

'Man cave furniture': St. George artist creates home decor and furniture from vintage cars.

Posted: Mon, 06 Feb 2023 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Game Room

A speakeasy is actually the perfect inspiration for a small man cave because they were often small, underground, homemade, and low-key. A few decorative storage crates are sensible additions to a small man cave – to protect sensitive items like vinyl records, rare books and comics, and sundry memorabilia. This design from Plastencinehouse.com has a slanted roof and lots of natural interior light from high windows. What’s more, a small man cave will need ingenious space-saving ideas for both the private and social activities of the man in question. Plush seating, a projector screen, popcorn machine… you name it!

Opt for multi-purpose furniture to maximize the utility of your space without compromising style. Invest in quality seating, be it recliners, couches, or even gaming chairs, to ensure you and your guests can relax in style. A basement, a garage, an attic, or even a garden shed can all be transformed into the perfect man cave. It depends on what you’ve got available and what you want your man cave to be. With a keyboard set up in the corner, and a bar and seating area behind, there’s plenty of room to have friends over for a dance party of your own making. This man cave layout is great for the guy who loves to entertain on the keys.

Cool Sports Decor For Upscale Design

Of course, if you prefer using an iPad or laptop, you can easily do so on your comfortable man cave furniture. Alternatively, you could do one row of theater seating with recliners designed for theater seating. If you have the space, get a 5 piece sectional sofa so that you can set it up in multiple configurations (some even transform into a bed). If you’re renovating or design a custom layout, choose the features you’d like to have and design a layout around them. If working with an existing layout, pick and choose the main features you’d like to have and assign them to your existing spaces. Themed rooms, especially for kids and basements is a growing trend.

man cave design ideas

The perfect blend of polished and relaxed, this DIY leather slingback chair is ideal for a quiet reading nook. Give new life to an old beach chair for a classic style with a modern twist. If books are your thing, create a library space with floor-to-ceiling bookshelves and comfortable reading chairs.

Chess Coffee Table Game

If you want a modern basement man cave, invest in a high-end entertainment system to make your space look more futuristic. Coupled with a comfortable seating area, it turns the room into the go-to destination when entertaining friends or catching up on TV. If you’re a passionate gamer, a cozy library to display all your video games is the ideal space to retire to when trying to beat your high score.

Man Caves Ideas & Decor for 2020

Hanging shelves use wall space much better than traditional bookshelves. No matter how you build it, the bar should match your style — from slickly modern to straw-thatched. This simple wood accent table helps break up geometric patterns in a room. When selecting designs, work with local craftsmen for a one-of-a-kind look.

Behind it is a long wet bar with black granite countertop matched with dark wood and black leather upholstered chairs, lit by four small hanging pendant lamps. The industrial look follows into the bar area which features cove-lit vintage red brick walls with black hanging cabinets. The bar counter is also in a black stone countertop with a lighter toned wood for the base, bringing out the color of the rust-metallic seats. The whole room features vintage wood plank flooring and lined on its side with a vintage red brick wall.

Opening out into the outdoor pool and patio, this man cave features flagstone random course flooring. The center of the space features a Persian carpet topped with a wood and white felt pool table. Entertainment furniture – TVs, pool tables, arcade games, video games, etc. are common to any man cave. Although a space could look amazing, it won’t be enjoyable if there is nothing to do inside.

Dr Mitchell Rosenthal, Phoenix House Founder, Dies at 87 The New York Times

phoenix house

Since 2016, Phoenix House Orange County has been Drug Medi-Cal-certified for residential and outpatient, non-perinatal treatment (Certification No. 8047). Since 2022, Phoenix House Orange County Inc. (site at 1901 S. Fourth Street in Santa Ana) has been Drug-Medi-Cal-certified for outpatient treatment (Certification No. 30ZZ). Applications for SUD Outpatient Certifications for both locations have been submitted and the certifications are pending. People in recovery who require the highest level of care to maintain their sobriety or combat mental health disorders will find the solutions that they seek in our day programs. We connect clients to community resources for medical services, vocational & job readiness, parenting classes, family services, as well as relapse prevention groups.

The Many Advantages of Outpatient Rehabilitation

The treatments that we utilize at Phoenix House California enjoy a legacy of success amongst the patients we serve. Our methods are backed by scientific evidence and we closely monitor how these methods attribute to recovery across varying addictions and disorders. COAF helps families affected by alcohol and other drug abuse and also runs the Facts on Tap education campaign for college students.

Day Programs and Services

Most recently, in a partnership with the Gavin Foundation, Phoenix House opened a new detox and transitional unit in Quincy, MA to help address the growing problem with addiction and particularly opioid addiction. Oftentimes, patients in day programs benefit greatly from being connected to other community resources, as well. Expanding their network of local resources is a good way to stay in line with personal goals, while simultaneously benefiting their loved ones. We use evidence-based interventions for adolescent drug misuse that seek to strengthen family relationships by improving communication and improving family members’ ability to support abstinence from drugs.

Choosing Phoenix House California for Your Outpatient Services

The most obvious Synanon methods used within the Phoenix House program are the stripping of your identity on admission, encounter groups (called The Game by Synanon and Phoenix House), work-based treatment. Phoenix House played a role in creating the country’s first correctional treatment unit, a model now widely replicated in prisons throughout the country and abroad. Phoenix House was also an early provider of treatment as an alternative to prison. In 1983, Phoenix House opened its first Phoenix House Academy, a residential high school where teens receive substance abuse treatment as well as daily on-site academic education. Eleven Phoenix House Academies now operate in seven states and have been designated a “model program” by the U.S. The organization is funded mostly by government contracts, but also receives philanthropic support for a portion of its $100 million annual budget.

Current Stand-Alone Organizations

Enterprise Provides $7.5 Million for Phoenix House in Atlanta - Apartment Finance Today

Enterprise Provides $7.5 Million for Phoenix House in Atlanta.

Posted: Wed, 21 Feb 2024 08:00:00 GMT [source]

Phoenix House was founded in 1967 and became a model for over 50 years, Phoenix House has helped thousands of people overcome addiction in order to lead healthy, productive, and rewarding lives. Phoenix House Texas focuses on providing our prevention and education services to youth and communities that are historically underserved. PHT provides prevention and education services in 64 zip codes throughout Dallas, Austin, and Houston, Texas. Contact us today to learn more about our line-up of addiction recovery programs and services that cater to patient needs.

Effectively treating substance use disorders in adolescents requires also identifying and treating other mental health conditions they may have. Many adolescents who misuse drugs frequently also suffer from anxiety, depression, or trauma. Outpatient services are designed for individuals that can address their substance related problem, while continuing to function in their current living environment. Individuals that participate in outpatient services typically have less severe symptoms of addiction, mild to moderate medical and psychological needs, and a safe, stable recovery environment. Phoenix House has served Florida since the early 1990s, treating Tampa adolescents and adults at their Derek Jeter Center and Adult Outpatient Counseling Center, respectively.

phoenix house

There are many reasons why someone that is seeking recovery from addiction, mental health disorders, and substance abuse may choose outpatient rehabilitation. For some, it’s the next step after time has been spent at a residential treatment facility. For others, it’s a choice that integrates well with their life goals and daily responsibilities.

Adolescents & Teens

Burglary suspect attacks family inside Phoenix home: PD - Daily Independent

Burglary suspect attacks family inside Phoenix home: PD.

Posted: Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

We’ll walk you through the options to help you find a program that’s right for you. If you or a loved one are looking for help to reach your recovery goals, the Phoenix House California team can help. We know it’s possible to lead an extraordinary life in recovery and we have the resources to help make it happen.

Ask about our Prevention Programs for your school or community

Our goal is to assist each individual with developing the appropriate recovery skills and concepts in order to achieve long-term abstinence and success. Phoenix House Foundation was a national nonprofit drug and alcohol rehabilitation organization operating in ten states with 150 programs throughout the United States. Programs served individuals, families, and communities affected by substance abuse and dependency. People who can’t attend residential treatment, often find outpatient programs to be a successful solution. Compared to inpatient programs, outpatient treatment is decidedly more accessible and flexible.

Phoenix House residential staff utilize rational emotive behavior therapy, during group and one on one individual sessions, to challenge self-defeating behaviors that are prevalent in substance abusing individuals. Rational emotive behavior therapy provides a framework to examine self-talk and examines the consequences of rational or irrational thinking. By helping clients recognize that their feelings are a direct result of their thinking, clients can take responsibility for the way they feel, therefore, the way they act.

Ultimately, the client’s belief system changes about how they view themselves and the world around them. For over 50 years, Phoenix House has helped thousands of people overcome addiction in order to lead healthy, productive, and rewarding lives. In 1967, six heroin addicts came together at a detoxification program in a New York hospital. They moved into a brownstone in Manhattan and lived as a community; encouraging one another to stay sober. Phoenix House Academy – Outpatient Center, a program of Phoenix Houses of Los Angeles, Inc., is certified by the California Department of Health Care Services, Certification No.190115EN, for Outpatient Substance Use Disorder Treatment. In terms of flexibility, outpatient programs are designed to work in tandem with patient schedules and daily responsibilities.

“Throughout history, ‘hopeless’ has been among the most common tags applied to people addicted to alcohol and drugs,” Dr. Rosenthal wrote this year in an autobiography that he completed just before he died. Dr. Mitchell Rosenthal, the founder of Phoenix House, which branded itself the largest private, nonprofit therapeutic drug-treatment program in the United States, died on Nov. 14 in Manhattan. It’s a sustained process that requires continuous healing and long-term personal growth goals. We are honored that our residential facility in Citra, Florida has been recognized by Newsweek as one of America’s Best Addiction Treatment Centers.

Phoenix House was founded in 1967 by six heroin addicts who met at a detoxification program in a New York hospital. They were concerned about staying clean after detoxification, so they moved from New York City’s Addiction Services Agency (ASA) soon incorporated structure and treatment programming into the community. As Commissioner of ASA for rehabilitation, Dr. Mitchell Rosenthal, who had spent time observing Synanon used their methods and model of treatment to start Phoenix House the model for a citywide treatment network.

Phoenix House was also established in the UK as an entirely separate organisation, though has its origins in the USA-based Phoenix House described above. Phoenix House (UK) runs a number of residential rehabilitation units, structured day programs and is the largest not for profit provider of prison based substance misuse programmes in the UK. In November 2006, Phoenix House (UK) rebranded to trade under the name 'Phoenix Futures.

20 best graphic design software tools in 2024

best graphic design computer programs

If you’re looking for the best graphic design software, I highly recommend Adobe Photoshop. The latest version of Xara Designer Pro X is a comprehensive design tool that can work with both bitmaps and vectors with equal aplomb. That means it can handle DTP (desktop publishing), graphic design, illustration and photo manipulation tasks in a single tool. Inkscape is a vector design tool that offers broad file support, extensive text manipulation, and both Bezier and Spiro curve types.

What is the Best Graphic Design Software?

It's the best free graphic design software if you want to create concept art, illustrations, comics, matte paintings, and 2D animations. Krita has numerous tools for digital painting and graphic illustrations, and a massive selection of brushes for fine detail work. You can also create your own brushes and share them with other Krita users. Linearity has a bit of a learning curve for new users, but once you know your way around, you’ll be designing animated vector graphics quickly.

With so many great options available, it can be hard to pick one. Find out why Adobe Illustrator is our favorite. 👇

best graphic design computer programs

The new apps make it easier to share with teammates and clients who don’t own Macs, but a full iPad version with Apple Pencil support would be a game-changer. Despite these drawbacks, an upswing in positive user reviews has moved Sketch above Mega Creator and Genially on our updated list. Krita is a free, open-source, cross-platform graphic design software ideal for artists who love to create from scratch.

Houdini Apprentice

Inkscape provides a lot of filters and a helpful community for the designer to grow. There are thousands of visuals to choose from within Genially’s interface from vectors and image libraries (Unsplash, Giphy, and Pixabay are integrated within the editor) to maps and charts. You can also make any element interactive and add animation effects to it in seconds. The pro version of Gravit is paid and has more advanced features like advanced export options, offline version, more color space, etc.

The best video editing software - Creative Bloq

The best video editing software.

Posted: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 20:08:46 GMT [source]

Best Graphic Design Software (Free & Premium)

Initially designed for photo manipulation, GIMP excels with RGB or raster graphics but lacks native CMYK support, making it less suitable for print designs. You can also take advantage of CorelDRAW.app for real-time collaboration with your clients and team. Overall, CorelDRAW is great for beginners interested in illustration and vector graphics.

Best for Budget-Conscious Image Editors

You don’t need to download anything, and you don’t have to pay either, unless you want to unlock advanced features and extra resources. There's a free version to get you started, with plenty of free templates and resources, but your designs will be watermarked. To remove this, and enjoy advanced features such as offline viewing, you'll need to move to a paid plan. Photo Pos Pro is simple, but perfect for amateurs and enthusiasts looking for an easy way to edit their images. This free software boasts a very user-friendly interface, as well as an in-depth help system, to get you started.

Best laptops for graphic design in 2024 - TechRadar

Best laptops for graphic design in 2024.

Posted: Tue, 02 Apr 2024 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Best for Vector Editing and Illustration

Adobe Photoshop is one of the most well-known digital art program used for creating and editing photos by millions of people around the globe. The best graphic design software provides users with various tools to help them achieve professional-looking results. In addition, if you have no experience designing graphics software, you will find it effortless to set up the various tools for drawing your vector artwork or modifying images or photos.

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It’s incredibly user-friendly and efficient for its purpose, but those needing a full suite of design features will need to look elsewhere. Blender is a top-tier choice for professionals in 3D design and animation. While its complexity may deter beginners, its capabilities are unmatched in the free software realm, making it a go-to for serious 3D projects. The free version includes support for importing and exporting SVG, PDF, bitmap, Sketch, and Illustrator files. You can also access your files from anywhere through Corel, although you will need a subscription for unlimited storage. And then comes Photosmash Studio for removing backgrounds and creating beautiful visual assets with just one click.

Best Graphic Design Software in 2023 (Free and Paid)

Corel Vector offers tons of precise adjustments and multiple tools to edit photos and create beautiful illustrations, typography, geometric shapes, and much more. However, it is not up to par with professional software and the UI is outdated. It also lacks a dedicated free version, moving it behind the completely free and feature-rich Krita on our list.

Its extensive toolset is an asset to professionals to retouch photos, create stunning graphics, and design intricate compositions. As part of our review process, we've compared design experiences across a range of desktop and online apps to identify the best graphic design software for all creatives. We've tested out all integrated features like AI, lighting, brushes, cloud storage, and stock image libraries. Overall performance and pricing has also been assessed, to make sure the software offers genuine value for money. VistaCreate is an online graphic design tool for those in need of original and impressive visual content.

However, if you're a student or educator, you can sign up for free educational access to the Autodesk range. Sumo Paint is a browser-based image editor, with all the standard features you'd expect from a desktop tool. These include brushes, pencils, shapes, text, cloning and gradients, accessible from a floating toolbar.

You can work with grids, add bleeds and crop marks for printing, and quickly design multi-page documents. First-time users are allowed to use Affinity Designer for free for up to ninety days, so you’ll have more than enough time to try it out before you purchase. As an added bonus, Affinity Designer is also available as an iPad app so you can use it on the go. It’s similar to Adobe Illustrator, and if you also do some artwork on the side of your design business, then this software is perfect for you.

In general, it’s a great instrument for beginners who want to experiment with some fundamental editing features. Wouldn’t it be nice if there were a way to create custom images quickly and for free? We delighted in choosing from more than a million cost-free pictures, movies, and drawings before easily customizing your design with just a couple of clicks. Do not pass up the opportunity to check out Inkscape if you are searching for a tool that is comparable to Adobe Illustrator. It is a powerful, easy-to-use vector graphic editor with all the tools you need to create vector drawings, logos, illustrations, and more—without paying a cent.

Adobe Illustrator’s unique AI-powered generative recolor feature allows users to input text prompts. For instance, you can input “warm summer colors” and receive several palette suggestions. Purchase a paid Site plan to publish, host, and unlock additional features. Obviously you need a stable internet connection, and the lack of CTRL Z support can be frustrating for undoing things. Simple animations work like a dream but anything more complex, like nesting shapes, repeating animations or moving multiple shapes can become a long-winded. You have to pay for the Pro version, but that should be worth it if you're doing a lot of small animations.

Its compatibility across platforms makes it an excellent collaboration tool that does not rely on proprietary formats. The developers also offer an upgraded version of the program, PhotoScape X, and a paid PhotoScape Pro X, which expands its compatibility with Mac. PhotoScape brings animation effects, more filters, macros, added frames, and a merge to HDR function to the table. Sketch offers basic functionality, lots of plugins, and it’s a godsend that there is such strong community support to provide solutions for when the software falls short. The business option requires getting in touch with Sketch, which can be a good or bad thing, depending on your size and needs.

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Outpatient Services

phoenix house

Above all, our outpatient services are designed to help recovering adults to solidify their commitment to their sobriety. These groups are facilitated by licensed therapists that understand the many challenges that come along with addiction, mental health disorders, and substance abuse. Sessions are held weekly to ensure that recovery is a consistent process for participants. We are committed to supporting individuals and families by providing a wide range of services, including treatment for substance users with mental health challenges; Outpatient and intensive outpatient services as well as residential treatment.

Day Programs and Services

We provide the continuing care that’s necessary after an individual has left residential treatment. This program is provided to adults, 18 years of age and older, who are looking to address their alcohol or drug problems with more flexibility and in a less structured environment. Outpatient programs allow you to address your substance abuse on a weekly basis while continuing with work, school, or other life obligations. Phoenix Houses of New England – originally called Marathon House – was founded in 1967 by a coalition of social service professionals, clergy, business, and political leaders in Providence, Rhode Island. Today, they operate 45 programs in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont. In addition to residential and outpatient programs, Phoenix Houses of New England provides services for specific populations, including the homeless, persons involved with the criminal justice system and those charged with driving under the influence.

Cognitive Therapy

The comprehensive continuum of care includes prevention; intervention; residential and outpatient treatment for adults and teens; as well as services for veterans, transitional age youth, and clients with co-occurring mental disorders. Phoenix House also offers wraparound services, home-based case management, and recovery support. For people who are serious about abstaining from alcohol and drug abuse over the long-term, our intensive outpatient services are often a great choice.

Health Services · Mental Health · Public Health

The center facilitates referrals and links individuals to community support that assists in recovery from alcohol and substance use disorder. Phoenix House Texas (PHT) was founded in 1995 and currently operates substance use prevention and mental health education services in schools and communities in Dallas, Austin, and Houston. Phoenix House Texas reaches over 26,000 underserved youth and adults through its prevention services annually.

Metro Phoenix home sales: Purchases, median price climb in March 2024 - The Arizona Republic

Metro Phoenix home sales: Purchases, median price climb in March 2024.

Posted: Tue, 23 Apr 2024 13:01:08 GMT [source]

Helping youth live substance-free, healthy lives.

The affect on the brain leads to dysfunctional behavior that can negatively impact all areas of an individual’s life. Chronic exposure to drugs or alcohol will alter the brain’s natural balance, chemistry, and overall functioning. As natural brain balance is stabilized through abstinence, the ability to grasp recovery concepts becomes achievable.

Peer Recovery Services

phoenix house

These programs allow participants to work out in the world, but provide the structure required to successfully stick to a sobriety plan. Many of the patients that we work with in our outpatient rehabilitation program are living at home or in sober living facilities. Within their life and work schedules, our team provides the recovery services that are required to help them stay on track with their wellness goals. Programs provide residential, transitional, and outpatient treatment with gender-specific programs to adults and adolescents. At Phoenix House California, compassion, knowledge, and dedication to recovery lead the way to success for our patients.

Our Focus is Education & Prevention

Each member of our community is guided by these principles of ethical conduct in all aspects of their dealings with patients, colleagues, our partners, and the greater community. If your alcohol or drug use is causing problems with relationships, work, school, or other areas in your life… we can help. Phoenix House Florida in Citra offers Adult Residential Services in separate units for men and women. In addition, office-based detoxification for prescription and opiate drug use is available. Make a referral now and let us work together to help them on their path to recovery.

Support Phoenix House Florida

Patients who partner with Phoenix House California will find that our services are not designed to treat a single issue, but instead take a holistic view of the individual. Phoenix House Florida is a nonprofit organization that has been serving the Tampa Bay area for 25 years. We deliver the highest quality of care with professionalism and respect and pride ourselves on providing outstanding and accessible treatment to adults and teens. See our programming fliers and catch up on events happening this month at the Center!

Thanks to state funding through HHSC and the support of our generous donors, all of PHT’s prevention and education services are provided at no cost to the recipient. It’s not uncommon for our day program participants to participate in parenting classes or receive services related to vocational training. People who participate in family-related services may find that they’re simultaneously creating more secure bonds with loved ones that lead to a more successful recovery. "A recovery coach is a person who helps remove personal and environmental obstacles to recovery, links the newly recovering person to the recovering community, and serves as a personal guide and mentor in the management of personal and family recovery." Dr. Rosenthal, a psychiatrist, popularized a regimen of abstinence and group therapy in a communal residential setting where people could recover from drug and alcohol addiction, as well as addressing other behavioral problems.

For many patients that elect to be part of outpatient treatment programs, the decision comes down to family support. Having loved ones to encourage patients towards success is often a key element in a quicker recovery. We are passionate about healing individuals, families, and communities challenged by substance use disorders and related mental health conditions. With your help, even more people can live healthier, more purposeful lives in recovery. Phoenix House, Inc., located in the Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan, has been providing substance abuse treatment services since 1973. In this time, many men and women have participated in and found recovery from their addiction through our services.

Activist on connection between addiction and homelessness - Spectrum News NY1

Activist on connection between addiction and homelessness.

Posted: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 20:00:00 GMT [source]

If you have coats to donate, please drop them off at our facility near Restoration Plaza. Adults (of all genders) seeking recovery are welcome and all services are free of charge. The living and dining area, kitchen, and group room are also located on the main floor. Our symbol, the Phoenix, derives from the Egyptian myth of the great bird which is said to have destroyed itself by fire and to have risen again from its own ashes. It is what we, who have destroyed our lives by substance addiction, are striving to rise from the ashes of our defeat to take our rightful place in society.

We have a specialized focus on providing services for military personnel, veterans, and their families. This program is provided to males, 18 years of age and older, who suffer from alcohol and drug abuse and need a safe, structured environment to focus on their recovery. Our residential facility assists consumers with substance abuse treatment, life skills development, medical needs, psychological and spiritual growth. Adults enter intensive or traditional outpatient programs after residential treatment, while living at home or in sober living facilities and together we create an individualized treatment plan for sustained recovery, healing, and personal growth.

phoenix house

Our intensive outpatient addiction rehabilitation services and programs are built to track progress. These programs are designed to not only establish a treatment plan with defined parameters, but also to include measurable milestones to show growth. At Phoenix House California, we’re dedicated to helping young people, women, and men to overcome substance use disorders through comprehensive outpatient services that are paired with compassion. Phoenix House staff utilize the cognitive therapy approach during group therapy, as well as in one-on-one therapy. The focus of cognitive therapy is to provide an insight focused therapy that emphasizes recognizing and changing negative thoughts and maladaptive beliefs.

Individuals with jobs or families to attend to can easily schedule their sessions and services around these important factors. Sessions are held on-site at our facility and attendance is required daily by participants. After sessions are complete, patients can return to the sober living facility or home they reside in. Intensive care programs are ideal for people who are motivated by meeting milestones. As participants progress through the program and meet goals within their plan, the time that they’re required to invest in treatment each week decreases accordingly. Outpatient treatment, such as drug abuse treatment in Tampa, must follow a continuum of care that starts with a thorough needs assessment and ends with recovery monitoring.

Phoenix House staff members believe that there should be genuine warmth, accurate empathy, nonjudgmental acceptance, and an establishment of trust and rapport in the therapeutic relationship. This focus fosters a caring environment that assists consumers to become honest, which ultimately is the foundation of recovery. Through cognitive therapy, consumers gain an awareness of where their desire to use substances comes from, the consequences that they are experiencing, and alternatives to this lifestyle.

Friday, April 12, 2024

Carnival Cruise Passenger Missing; Coast Guard Searching Florida Waters

missing man on cruise

Florida officials launched a large-scale investigation after a cruise passenger mysteriously disappeared shortly before the ship returned to Port of Miami on Monday. The missing person's report came right as passengers were beginning to disembark in PortMiami following the the four-day Bahamas venture, the cruise line said. He was reported missing at approximately 7 a.m on Monday, a spokesperson with the cruise line told Insider. Coast Guard officials are searching Florida waters after a Carnival cruise passenger disappeared shortly before the ship returned to PortMiami this week. Ship staff and security searched the ship but were unsuccessful, Miami-Dade Police Department officials reported after Kevin McGrath disappeared.

missing man on cruise

Cruise News Recap: Missing Passenger, New Ships, Milestones

Danielle McGrath, of Fort Pierce, who was not on the ship, said Kevin was last seen by his twin brother Andre at around 2 a.m. Others have brought of the case of 23-year-old Amy Lynn Bradley who went missing on a Royal Caribbean International cruise in 1998. To this day she was never found and there are rumors that she’s dead or was sold into sex trafficking. The video has more than 630,000 views and over 1,800 comments as of Wednesday morning. His sister, Destiny Barnett, told NBC News that she and 13 other relatives also were on the cruise.

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On Sept. 4 and searched 3,300 square nautical miles with helicopters but found nothing, according to Petty Officer Ryan Estrada, in Miami. U.S. Customs and Border Protection told Carnival that Kevin McGrath was not detected during the debarkation process, NBC Miami reported. Cruise ships have safeguards to prevent passengers from going overboard, and are required by the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010 to have rails that are "located not less than 42 inches above the cabin deck." Sean McGrath said about 43 friends and family members were on the three-day cruise to the Bahamas aboard the Carnival Conquest as part of his 60th birthday celebration. Cruise ships have safeguards to prevent passengers from going overboard and are required by the Cruise Vessel Security and Safety Act of 2010 to have rails that are "located not less than 42 inches above the cabin deck."

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McGrath’s disappearance comes just one week after a 19-year-old college student fell overboard on the world’s largest cruise ship, the Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Seas. “A search of the ship’s cameras and security devices did not indicate he went overboard,” a police spokesperson told The Post. The passenger, identified as Kevin McGrath, was aboard a Carnival Cruise from Miami to Bimini, Bahamas, over the Labor Day holiday weekend but was reported missing following an “extensive search” upon the vessel’s docking.

It follows another missing person report from July, when 30-year-old Jaylen Hill disappeared while aboard a carnival cruise ship in Florida. Coast Guard crews were searching 3,300 square nautical miles off the coast of Florida for Kevin McGrath, 26, who was reported missing by his family after he failed to show up to breakfast on the ship Monday morning. Police and federal authorities are searching for a man who was reported missing Monday morning after a Carnival cruise ship returned to Miami.

McGrath’s disappearance comes just one week after a young college student fell overboard off the world’s largest cruise ship, the Royal Caribbean’s Wonder of the Seas. He still was nowhere to be found when all passengers disembarked the ship, and the family reported him missing, the publication reported. A Carnival spokesperson has told The Post that the ship’s care team has been supporting the family.

Family of missing cruise passenger denies he jumped, claims video shows him slipping over edge

Family maintains hope as search turns to recovery for Lowcountry man missing in Mexico - ABC NEWS 4

Family maintains hope as search turns to recovery for Lowcountry man missing in Mexico.

Posted: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 23:43:23 GMT [source]

As Cozumel is only about 30 miles long and 10 miles wide (the whole island can be driven in an hour or less), it’s entirely possible Brad may have made his way to another part of the Mexican island. The new theory is that a kind citizen may be caring for him in the ejido areas of the jungle, which is a communally owned agricultural sector. “He has a generally calm or apathetic attitude, and will probably refuse help if offered. This affect, along with his quick walking pace, makes him seem confident or focused, like he knows where he is going and is walking with conviction.

missing man on cruise

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“The guest was not detected by surveillance systems, including US Customs and Border Patrol during the debarkation process,” the spokesperson added. The 26-year-old was set to meet his family for breakfast ahead of the ship’s return, however, his family said that he never showed up for the meal, Miami-Dade Police told The Post. McGrath was supposed to meet his family for breakfast ahead of the ship's return to port but he never arrived for the meal, authorities said. She adds that her friends have been in contact with the family, and they told her that when they post the missing person poster on the Carnival Facebook page, it gets pulled down. They’re not even going to alert the other passengers who might have seen something? His family reported him missing when they couldn’t find him after everyone had disembarked the cruise.

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Citing the ongoing investigation, Zabeleta declined to say whether police officials have obtained or reviewed video Carnival cameras recorded aboard the Conquest. The ship’s overboard detection system never went off, and there is no other evidence that Kevin McGrath went overboard, according to the MDPD. The cruise line said the police have cleared Carnival Conquest to sail, and the Carnival Care Team is supporting the family. The overboard detection system on the ship never went off, and there is no other evidence that Kevin McGrath went overboard, according to Miami-Dade police.

He cannot show or process emotions like a healthy person would,” Miller posted on Facebook on April 7. Initially, the family suspected that their father and husband has been staying hydrated and using the bathrooms at local churches, but they weren’t sure if he had access to food. The Coast Guard dispatched the 87-foot cutter Tarpon from St. Petersburg, a Hercules aircraft based out of Clearwater, and a Miami-based Ocean Sentry aircraft to search for Hill.

"We are beyond grateful that this case ended with a positive outcome," said Lt. Seth Gross, a Sector New Orleans search and rescue mission coordinator. Matt Lupoli, a spokesperson for Carnival, told CBS News that the man was at a bar with his sister on Wednesday night, and he disappeared after leaving to use the restroom. His sister, whose identity has also not been made public, alerted crew to his absence when he did not return to his stateroom overnight. Though cruise ships need to stay punctual, ruined-vacation stories like this are a reputational risk and might put people off.

All day Wednesday, rescue crews searched for Marino by air and on the water. The local military and civilian search and rescue leaders are focusing efforts in the jungle now. Since he hasn’t been seen on camera since Wednesday afternoon, it’s possible that he is being cared for by local, more rural Cozumel citizen in ejido areas of the jungle. I know that not a single person on this island would have mal intent upon approaching him,” Miller wrote in her latest Facebook post on Thursday, April 11.

After being unable to locate McGrath, the cruise company contacted the Coast Guard and Miami police. Miami-Dade police eventually cleared the Carnival Conquest to set sail again. The ship is currently located in the Northwest Atlantic Ocean on its way to the Bahamas, cruise tracking data shows. Cell phone footage last shows him dancing to live music on Sunday night.

“We had a passenger died on an excursion in Jamaica & carnival didn’t say anything we heard from other passengers,” a person said. Carnival's Care Team is "providing support to the family members of the missing guest who were sailing with him and remain on board," Lupoli said. The Coast Guard shared video footage of the rescue on Twitter, showing the moment the man was found and brought aboard an agency helicopter. “It makes you feel crazy to be stuck on a ship where everyone else is having a good time.

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